Bangkok Noi

Bullbars Now Banned for Vehicles in India

เผยแพร่เมื่อ: 20 December 2017 | 735 ดู

The government has stated that putting a bullbar will now be in violation of Section 52 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

  • Bullbars Now Banned for Vehicles in India

The Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways has put out a notice that has banned fitting bullbars on Vehicles in India. It has given states the authority to take action against cars fitted with bullbars as a violation of Section 52 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

The move was to lessen the risk of injury to pedestrians and vehicle occupants. The bullbars also affect the functioning of safety equipment. Most people in India are of the opinion that bullbars and crash guards can help protect their vehicle’s body in low-impact. But the reality is that they reduce the effectiveness of safety systems built into the Car’s Structure.

Since they take the impact, energy isn’t dispersed through the car's crumple zone. They can also affect the functioning and timely deployment of the airbags in crashes.


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